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Take Note of Your Dreams

December 27, 2019

I have an idea about a senior project.

  • Eve’s sin.

  • Multiple women’s stories

  • Women bring Eve to Mary

  • Angel visits Mary

  • All music and dance

  • Each woman would have a song that when sung together would be a beautiful melody. Mary joins in?

That's it. Not very awe-inspiring, but it was the beginning of something that would become the largest part of my 2020, and most likely, my 2021.

I wrote this journal entry over a year ago, but I couldn't imagine starting this blog anywhere but the very beginning, so here it is. I was staying at my cousin's for Christmas, and I was inspired by one of my grandfather's stories. He was telling us about men on the battlefront who ceased war for a single day, Christmas, to sing carols. Or was it a trumpeter or bag-piper who played a hymn over a battlefield? In all honesty, I don't remember the details.

The story inspired me to create a piece juxtaposing the men at war with their wives and children singing the same carol at home. However, that felt much more promising for film and I wanted to create a piece of theater. I ended up taking a nap and dreaming up the idea of the five women in the genealogy of Christ (Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary) singing over mankind. So I made it my mission to bring their voices together.

And I did.

This blog is the story of how it all happened. Of what I learned. Of what I mourned and rejoiced over. It's as honest as I'm able to be.

It's the story of these women.

It's the story of me.

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